Common cleaning mistakes to avoid.

Common cleaning mistakes to avoid.

Maintaining a home can become a challenging task for you if you lack the basic tools used in cleaning the home. Other than this the most important part of cleaning is you must know what actually you need to do, to keep your home spick and span.

This blog will lead you right away to cleaning mistakes you might be making unknowingly. Let’s read in detail some mistakes you might be doing and how to avoid them.

Down to Up Strategy.It has become a common mistake while cleaning homes that people often wash the floor before dusting the shelves and furniture. As a result of which they have to repeat the process as the floor becomes dirty again with the dust particles. Experts usually consider keep this thing in mind and follow the top-bottom approach showing a smart way to live in the home.

The solution to the mistake is that one should dust the furniture or ceiling fans before mopping the floor of the house. This will prove to be a time-saving way and reduce your effort in the cleaning process. The floor should be the final step if you want to get done with the cleaning faster.

Use of inaccurate Rag.Usually, a single piece of cloth roams in the entire home for dusting including shelves, tables, shoes, and kitchen slabs. This conduct is absolutely wrong to use the same cloth for cleaning all types of surfaces in the home. You should act sensibly that the rag which you are using to wipe wood cannot be used to clean the surface of the glass. Moreover, this mistake can make the house a place for microbes to nourish.

The solution to the problem is that separate dusters must be used for different rooms. The use of heavyweight fiber for hard surfaces and lightweight fibers for a softer material will be the best option. It has been found that kitchen rags are some of the dirtiest items in the house. So, it’s better to keep a separate piece of cloth to clean the space where you have food.

Use of different Chemicals.It is the mindset of women that if they will mix different chemicals in their washing process it will result in effective cleaning. But it’s not recommended and is considered high-risk able not only for the surface of the article as well as your health. Combining products like bleach and detergents generates fumes that can endanger your life.

The solution to the use of chemicals is that one should be well aware of the pros and cons before using them. For this purpose read the instruction given at the back of each chemical.

Washing or cleaning the tools.It should be kept in mind that the tools must be cleaned or washed after using them. People often forget to clean them and keep their tools aside. Obviously, when dirty tools will be used around the house it will spread germs everywhere. The better care you take of the tools the more reliable they will be.

So the solution is that mop should be washed properly right after using it. The cloth that was used to wipe the shelves should be properly cleaned and washed daily.

It is important to avoid such mistakes to live a healthy, wealthy life.

The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within the environment. (Marie Kondo)

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