Dengue Virus

Dengue Virus

Dengue Virus

Dengue Virus is a type of virus that is caused by a mosquito bite. The virus is being viral in Pakistan, causing a number of diseases, specifically fever, resulting in deaths of people. The death rate by this virus was increased alarmingly in the past few years. The ratio of the cause of death by this virus has decreased now but a few cases appear every now and then.  Recently, 2 people died in Holy Family Hospital on September 26, 2019. According to a fresh report, 15 people died in Punjab by dengue fever. 8 more patients are admitted in Lahore and total patients count reached up to 292.


1- fever

2- headache

3- joint and muscle pain

4- Fatigue

5- Nausea

6- Skin Rash

7- Vomiting

How to Cure

There are no hard and fast cures for how to treat dengue fever because it is a viral disease. though, precautionary measures can be taken to avoid the disease. The one point that can be taken as a cure is to keep the body hydrated as vomiting can dehydrate the body that will thus result in serious consequences. Vaccines can also be taken from dengue centers specially established in hospitals. Try not to cure the virus at home. A visit to a doctor is a must if you are infected with dengue.


Wear proper long-sleeve shirts and long pants. Use EPA-registered mosquito repellent. Use mosquito nets in open areas. Make sure windows and door screens are closed. Avoid areas with still water. Especially at times of high mosquito activity like dawn and dusk.

Mega Drive

For this purpose, the city administration of Lahore launched a mega drive to arrest the people who throw wastage on the road or near residential areas. FIRs will be lodged against the people for dengue flouting regulation. Various premises have been sealed during outdoor surveillance by a team.

Take serious care and adopt safety precautions from the dengue virus. Take care of yourself and your loved ones...

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