DIY Air Conditioning Cleaning: Tricks You Must Know for AC Maintenance

DIY Air Conditioning Cleaning Tricks You Must Know for AC Maintenance

DIY Air Conditioning Cleaning: Tricks You Must Know for AC Maintenance

Is it getting a little stuffy in your house? Perhaps you observed a sharp increase in your energy costs. You must keep your air conditioner clean for it to operate effectively. Otherwise, you might have to pay a hefty bill every month.

Regular AC repair may result in a 5–40% reduction in energy costs. To clean your AC on their own, many homeowners lack the necessary knowledge. By cleaning your unit and extending its longevity, you can use these practical DIY AC ideas.

Use these DIY AC cleaning tips to get cleaning right away!

Clear the debris 

Be sure to first check your air conditioning unit for any debris. The filter, coils, and unit may become clogged with debris. The debris also reduces the system's capacity by reducing airflow. Your energy bill will consequently start to increase. Regularly take the time to clear away rubbish, such as grass clippings and polluted Twigs Leaves Make sure to put on gloves and safety eyewear before you begin cleaning. Perhaps you should get a water hose with a sprayer attachment. Before utilising these DIY AC methods, turn off your air conditioning system. After that, remove any debris outside the unit. Examine the vicinity of the appliance as well.


Coil cleaning

Don't forget to clean the coils while you're outside sweeping away rubbish. Once more, you'll want to start by making sure your device is off. The coils in your AC unit make sure it functions dependably and efficiently. Your unit's efficiency can be impacted by dirty coils. When the coils are clean, you may reduce energy use and cooling costs while also improving the air quality in your home.

Additionally, clean coils improve airflow and help your unit function at its optimum. On the other side, dirty condenser coils might exacerbate the harm already done to your appliance. For instance, they may have an effect on cooling and energy efficiency. Your monthly energy bill will be affected if your AC isn't operating as intended because it uses extra electricity.

 On the outside of your air conditioner, use a coil cleaner. The cleaning foam should start to bond with any dirt over the following 15 minutes. The coil cleaner can then be removed by rinsing it with your hose.

Seasonal Maintenance

Keep in mind season maintenance as you apply these 11 AC maintenance guidelines. In actuality, depending on the season, your unit may require different upkeep.

Try cutting off the water supply to the furnace humidifier during the summer. Replace the humidifier wick filter once autumn arrives. Before turning the water back on, you should set your humidistat to a relative humidity of roughly 40%.

You might want to consider purchasing a new unit if your current one isn't operating correctly. In actuality, upgrading to an ENERGY STAR-rated product might save over $115 annually on energy costs.

Is your unit older than ten years? It can have trouble performing its duties. You might choose to get a newer unit in that situation. Before investing in a new unit, you may find out more about the price of replacing your AC. A specialist's opinion is beneficial as well. Make an effort to plan your annual AC maintenance for the spring and fall. Summer and winter are the two seasons when AC issues are most prevalent.

Examine the filters

Try to swap out the filters in your air conditioner every three months. During that time, the filter may become clogged with dust, mould, and pet dander. It's possible that your family will inhale polluted air that is loaded with allergies.

Your AC unit's effectiveness will also be impacted by a blocked air filter. You can reduce your energy costs by switching to a clean unit every few months.

Examine the ducts and lines.

Regularly check the refrigerant lines as well. Before it affects your energy cost, you can get the line replaced if it is broken. Don't forget to inspect your heating and cooling ducts while you're at it. Are they suitably insulated and sealed? Cleaning up the dust could result in a 20% increase in energy efficiency.

Boost Airflow

Check the registers and vents on your air conditioner in addition to cleaning it to increase airflow. Mix a solution of water and bleach to prevent blockages. Pour the mixture into the condensate drain of the air conditioner. By using this mixture, mould and algae won't grow and obstruct airflow.


Refresh the Batteries

While using this advice for AC maintenance, don't forget to check your home's carbon monoxide detector. New batteries will guarantee that you are alerted as soon as a leak occurs. Otherwise, breathing in carbon monoxide could result in harm or even death.


Replace Your Thermostat

An excellent option to increase the energy efficiency of your AC unit is to install a new programmable thermostat. With these thermostats, you can change the temperature of your house even when you're away. You may increase the energy efficiency of your home by adjusting the temperature as necessary. In the interim, you're reducing expenses and extending the life of your system.

Inspect for bent fins. Take a look at the fins on your air conditioner. Do any of them seem to be twisted or pressed? With a dinner knife and some pressure, you can move these fins.

Make sure you don't stick the knife in any deeper than half an inch.

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