Life After Lock down; A New Start

Life After Lock down A New Start

Life has never been the same; it has been changing since forever. Nothing remains the same in one’s life. We were living a normal, free life before the breakout of covid19 but then all of a sudden, we are asked to stay in our houses to avoid getting caught by the virus. The whole world has suffered a lot due to this pandemic but this time has been more torturous for those who have mental health issues or who find it hard to stay inside doing nothing. This time of pandemic has been too much for the mental and emotional health of the people. Stress and anxiety have been normal in these days.

As the government of Pakistan is going to lift the lockdown in the near future, and we will be back to life, some of the issues we are facing will start to resolve. The time we all have spent during lockdown has not been easy for anyone. As there will be no lockdown in the near future and we will be back to normal life, there are a few things that are a must to do

Be kind to others

Everyone has suffered a lot during this time, be it financially, mentally and emotionally. When you go out after the lockdown, try to be kind to others, do not get angry on anyone, especially your employees and subordinates. Try to be positive and nice while dealing with others. Everyone deserves empathy in this horrific time. We need to spread positive vibes to make people happier and optimistic.

Respect Paramedics

Paramedics have been fighting in the front line during this pandemic. They put their lives on stake to ensure our safety. They have been fighting like soldiers to treat people in this terrific time. They are the ones who have saved the nations by sacrificing their own lives. A number of doctors have been died fighting with this virus and saving the lives of people. They have stood stronger and firm to safe their nations. These are the people who deserve a lot of appreciation and respect from all of us.

Follow preventions

Although the lockdown will be lifted and we will be free to move out yet we have to follow the preventions to stay safe. It is not necessary for one’s own safety but for the safety of others too. Use a mask and do not go out unnecessarily to stay safe.

Social distancing

Lifting up lockdown does not mean that we have to do everything we have been doing before lockdown. We must avoid handshakes and hugs, and keep a considerable distance from others and ensure your safety. Social distancing is a necessary factor that has to be followed by everyone to be safe. Avoid going out in populous places. Be safe

A New Start

If we think that life would not be the same as it was earlier, before this calamity fell upon us, this is true in some aspects. As we have to keep social distancing, we will not be able o shake our hands to show enthusiasm. We will not be able to move around freely. We will have to follow preventions. But with all this, we will have to be kinder than ever before, supportive as much as we can, empathetic to the fullest and sensitive than we ever were. We have to normalize these things to grow as a nation.

In this time, we do not want each other’s finances or any other material thing; we would be more in the need for kindness and support to keep the world running and people happy. All of us together can make a difference. If we aim at making our country specifically and this world generally good enough that people could live peacefully, the world would turn into heaven.

Be good and kind to others. Do not let anyone feel bad or stressed. Life after lockdown will take some time to hold us back. Be patient

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